Sunday, November 14, 2010

"The Love Dare" Day 23

" Love is Patient"
As I am studying today in "The Love Dare"  the topic is one that I know doesn't always come easy for me patience. Even before I can continue I have to stop and ask God to open my mind and heart to be open to what He has to show me regarding "patience". Many of you reading this may also struggle with this as well, I know it is not always easy for me to be patient. I will admit I'm a bit of  a control freak, I want things done a certain way, and yes I do lose my patience when things don't go as planned. I admit it's an area I must work on because as we all know it does effect the relationships we have with others.

Ephesians 4:2 " Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."
As I have been studying I am learning so much about loving someone the way God intends us to, and when we love it is must be selfless and pure not expecting anything in return. I am seeking what God has for me and Jay and as I continue to study , I learned that the more I learn to love, then my patience will begin to grow.
"In fact, patience is one of the attributes that best defines what love is."

I started to think about how hectic my life can get , with work, traveling, other commitments, and on top of all that I have a relationship. Made me think of the times I haven't been so patient or had no patience at all and I didn't show love. I am learning that when I choose to be patient in a negative situation, it's a choice to slow down and just take it all in versus responding in a restless or demanding way. It was a wake up call for me, in the aspect that sometimes I don't show patience with Jay, also with my family, and friends. I choose how I will react and I must learn to patient and respond in a loving way. It's not always going to be easy I know, but in order to love as God loves it's an area in my life that I have to ask God to help me with.

"Bearing with one another in love" is the motto I have chosen to carry with me each day and in my relationship that in it all I respond in a loving manner no matter what the situation.
Think about how you can show love daily? Can you be more patient with others and the ones you love?

It's a great reminder that "Love is patient"

 My prayer:
"Thank you Lord for showing me an area that I need to work on, also may I be patient with my family, friends, and Jay. May I choose to react in every situation with love and remind me that love is patient. I want to lead a life of love, that others will see You are in my life."

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