Saturday, August 28, 2010

Soon I will be an Auntie again !!!!!

I am excited to be a aunt again, especially since it's my Brother Jr. and Lorena's first baby! They have been married since July 4, 2008 and I have been blessed to have Lorena as my sister, God blessed my brother with her and I know that she was meant to complete my brother's life and now this New edition is just the beginning of our family continuing to grow. I know they can't wait till the baby is here and the due date is Sept 22nd's Jr's birthday what a great gift right??  but I have a feeling the baby will be arriving sooner than that.

the soon to be parents

oh you want to know what the baby is? Well let me share......they will be blessed with a precious baby GIRL , we are all excited !!! She is going to be named Lily and I can't wait to meet her.  Pray for Lorena and Lily that God keep them healthy until her due date and if Lily wants to come earlier then .....

mommy still all smiles :)

we are all ready to welcome her into this world with all the love we can give her and to watch her grow up and I can't wait to meet you Baby Lily know that I am so excited you will be here soon and can't wait to hold you!!!!

See you soon Lily
Love you already- Aunt Ruthie

Friday, August 27, 2010

Life as I knew it- has changed

Well, this is my FIRST post and I am excited about sharing with you how my life as I knew it-has changed. I need to give you a little background so you can have a better understanding. My life has been one of constant change and one that I wouldn't trade for anything, I have  had my share of success and failures but in the end I always learned more about myself and became a stronger person . I relocated to Washington for work and in this last year I have met some incredible people that have welcomed me and made me feel right at home. Thanks  Along this adventure, I reconnected with a friend over year ago and since then we have shared laughs, advice, and the most important our friendship grew and now my life has changed once again once when I was somewhat getting used to it, but change is always good :) I welcome this change.
my sweetheart
So he traveled here last week to visit me for the weekend ..... and little did I know one weekend could change everything. We shared how we felt with one another and my friend now is my "special someone" and I couldn't ask for more. I am so excited about the journey that lies ahead and where this will take us? who knows? but the one thing I do know It will be an Adventure !