Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"The Love Dare" A journey 363 days to go

About a month ago, I was reading and something just touched my heart that I should start a devotional with my boyfriend Jay. A devotional is a study on a topic, where you study on your own and you can share with a person your  learning's and get the other persons perspective. You can also do a study independently and write in a journal all that you are learning or key points that can help you in your every day life. I just felt it so important that Jay and I really seek God's will in our relationship and what better way to grow as a couple than to study about Love and how God wants us to love others?

" The Love Dare" it is a year long study on Love and how God wants us to love in our relationship. So today day 2 so 363 days more to go on this journey, but already I am learning so much and seeing that I have a lot to learn when it comes to Love.

Day 2 Title: Love is Life's Motivation
2 Corinthians 5:14 "For Christ's love compels us..."
This spoke to me in the study it talked about, what if you allowed love to invade your life? your very being how your life would change? Think about it, if you really allowed love to take over you'd be able to see life totally different and also be able to endure things you never thought one could. What if you began to allow love to fuel all your decisions? what do you think would it drive you to change?

I had to really look at this and ask myself what do I allow to drive me and my life? My life is filled with so many things but I can see how I lack love. I fill it up with tasks for work, always keeping my plate full of things to do, but I am missing such a crucial piece, I am in need of true Love.

Can I truly say that I love others? Do I show love on a daily basis to those I come into contact with? Can they see love evident in my life? I sadly had to say to myself probably not. So my next thoughts are how can I truly love like God intended for me to? Is my love one of conditions?

I love my family, friends, my boyfriend, but how can  I show love to a perfect stranger? This study really got me thinking, and it's going to be a journey and I know not an easy one but one that I will have to be determined to learn more about myself and also as I am on the journey. I am not alone on this journey, I have my sweetheart and we will be discovering new things about love and about and how we are to love one another.
 I want to leave you with this, how can love the ones in our lives? How can we make it so our lives are full of love? What things can we change so others can see the love we have? Will you take this challenge or this "DARE" as the book says. Dare to allow love in and experience the love God wants for us in our lives.

1 Corinthians 13:2
" If I have all the faith, so that I can move mountains, but have not love I am nothing"

Pray for Jay and I as we study this together, that our hearts would be open to what God is going to show us. Also that God teaches me how to truly love. My hearts desire is to love as Christ loves us, may I see others as He sees, and love as He loves.

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